Love is all colors

White man wants to leave his wife to date black women

man removing ring

So this White guy has been married to his wife who is White. Problem is, he has always been attracted to Black women and now he aint feeling his wife at all. Yes, he loves her but the attraction has gone down the drain. He is contemplating leaving his wife for a Black woman. So why did he get married to a White woman if he has always been attracted to Black women? Read the note that Christelyn Karazin of BeyondBlackandWhite got from the guy.

“Hi Cristylen, I’m in a predicament and could use your advice. I’m a 34 year old white male fairly fit. I’m a special education teacher and I’m married with a white woman with a one-year-old son. I love my son and my wife but we shouldn’t have married. I have always been attracted to black women and I don’t have a lot of people that can relate to my problem. My first real relationship was with a black girl and ever since I was hooked lol. I still stay in contact with her. My parents are European immigrants and they didn’t approve of our relationship and forced me to end it. I regret it every day. I’m from Southern California but moved to Northern California. My wife and I were good friends and we were lonely. She is much older than me and she wanted to have a baby really bad and was told by the doctor that she had a 2% of getting pregnant and low and behold we have our son. I love my son. He’s funny and adorable. My wife was born in 1973 and I was born in 1980. We get along for the most part but we have vast different interests and personality. I have never been attracted to her and she always knew that. She had gastric bypass surgery after being obese and after losing most of the weight she has excess skin everywhere, refuses to have the surgery to remove it, she’s still overweight and rarely exercises. She has a full time job and earns more than I do. She has a lot on her plate and I do help with our son. While studying for my teaching credential she supported me morally and even financially once but I have paid her back. We have a zero sexlife and we’ve been to council in which didn’t help. My parents really like her and I don’t want to disappoint. I also don’t want to break up this marriage which might have a negative effect on my sons life. My wife and I argue more now than ever before. We both go to church which is obviously against divorce. We are suffering and don’t know what to do.”

Having read his note, all I can say is: If he didn’t give into the pressure from his parents, he wouldn’t be in this dilemma. Should he stay for the kid? Well here is Christelyn’s advice: