Love is all colors

The real reason everyone in The Weeknd’s Super Bowl Halftime show wore face bandages

The Weeknd Super Bowl Performance

Photo credit: Christian Bertrand /

The Weeknd certainly didn’t disappoint with his explosive Super Bowl Halftime show!

We might even go as far as saying it was worth every single penny (from his very own pocket, may we add) that he spent to make it such a show-stopper.

One of the biggest talking points of the performance, however, was the fact that everyone appeared on stage with their faces covered in white bandages, which shows that he is not finished telling his very elaborate story yet…

“It’s a very cohesive story I’ve been telling throughout this era and throughout this year,” he previously said.

The Weeknd – real name Abel Tesfaye – sported “face injuries” in the Blinding Lights music video, and then appeared at the AMAs with bandages all around his face. And it’s all to do with a bigger picture…

There have been many theories surrounding this interesting aesthetic which he has been teasing us with for a while now, but we think we know the real reason…

According to reports, the artist wanted to portray the film and music industry’s obsession – and some may even say dependence – on plastic surgery. He also referenced this in Save Your Tears music video, where he displayed a dramatic make-over – or should we say ‘fake-over’, as the faux plastic surgery was very cleverly done by the make-up team.

“The significance of the entire head bandages is reflecting on the absurd culture of Hollywood celebrity and people manipulating themselves for superficial reasons to please and be validated,” he previously told Variety about his unusual look.

“It’s all a progression,” he added, in regards to his changing face.

“And we watch The Character’s storyline hit heightened levels of danger and absurdity as his tale goes on.”

We quite like how The Weeknd is taking story-telling to a whole new level. After learning that he had spent his own money for his Super Bowl Halftime performance, it’s clear to see that he takes his art very seriously!

Click here to check out The Weeknd’s sensational Super Bowl Halftime performance, courtesy of the NFL.