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]]>The strain of a tough divorce can take a toll on both your mind and your body. Staying sharp and feeling physically healthy are ways to lessen the stress your marriage dissolution visits on your overall outlook on life. Here are some tips to keep you feeling in charge of your health and your physique during this difficult time.
Let’s face it, when you are facing something as potentially devastating as a divorce you may not be approaching eating in the healthiest of ways. Some days you may binge to try to bring some enjoyment into your life while other times you may fail to eat, feeling depressed and inattentive to your own needs. Take a few steps back and stop eating or starving yourself as a reaction to the divorce. Take some time every week to plan out some meals. Make it a point to have healthy snacks available.
When you are anxious, angry or sad you may make a choice to drink more than you should or experiment with other chemicals. Both of these decisions are counterproductive, making the situation you are embroiled in even more difficult. Plus, if you are in the middle of a custody battle you want to banish any thoughts that you are not capable of caring for your children appropriately. Instead of going overboard with alcoholic beverages drink plenty of water and limit your treats to coffee or tea.
A great stress buster is exercise, so join a gym or take the stairs rather than the elevator. Beware, however, of falling into a trap where you over exercise. You do not need to add sore muscles and potential injuries to your list of woes. One smart thing you can do is find an exercise buddy to keep you motivated and sane as you exercise.
Especially in the winter months, many people, even those who are not in the midst of a divorce, feel a little down because of limited sunlight. You might want to boost your mood by getting full spectrum lights or simply get outside for a period of time every day and let the sun do its magic. A brisk walk around a lake or through a park relieves stress and gets you out of your daily routine.
Many adults skip the yearly exams so use this reminder to get all your systems checked out. This would also be a good time to see the dentist or the eye doctor to make sure you take care of these essentials rather than wallowing in self-pity over the myriad issues involved in the divorce.
Make the most of your parenting time by choosing activities that are healthy for both you and your kids. Start them out on a life of healthy living by biking, swimming or just playing a little pickup ball together. Take healthy living to another level by planning and cooking together rather than wasting money on fast food during your time together.
The post Staying Physically Healthy During A Tough Divorce appeared first on Love is all colors.
]]>The post Staying Emotionally Healthy During A Tough Divorce appeared first on Love is all colors.
]]>Going through a divorce is one of the most emotionally trying processes a person can experience. All of your dreams, hopes and expectations for the future seem to simply go up in smoke. If you have kids, chances are you are worried sick about how they will manage the changes and loss. Disappointing friends and family is a real burden, their desire for your happiness now transforming into uncertainty or blaming. The reality of the expenses of the tough divorce and the financial tolls taken in other ways, trying to make do on one salary or paying large amounts of support, for example, can be crushing.
How can you stay the course, keeping your emotions in check yet releasing stress and tension in appropriate ways? Here are some tips to keep you feeling sane during a rough divorce:
It is hard to keep some of the angst inside when you are going through a divorce. But not everyone in your family or social circle will be able to withstand being a constant sounding board. Take some time at the beginning to vet a few friends. See if they would be willing to let you rant and rave a bit. Asking ahead of time takes a bit of the edge off. And your acknowledgement that this is a stress reliever will also permit you to explode while also admitting your soon to be ex needn’t be considered the worst person ever. Make it clear that it is the grief and loss talking. But then make time to be with this friend without unloading as well.
Take some comfort in a new passion that will be a steadfast option now and into the future. A new hobby or pastime can be a great way to let go without constantly rehashing the details of your marriage dissolution. Doing something enjoyable or creative during this stressful time can be very satisfying. Bringing a new source of joy and bolstering your self-esteem as you become more competent at the new activity.
Remember your mom or teacher always advised you to count to ten before reacting? Take time to make decisions during this volatile period of your life. If you make sure to think through what is being asked you will feel more in control. Your attorney should be chosen carefully, mirroring your values as much as possible so you are not fighting your legal counsel as well as your spouse as the divorce continues. If you do not react off the cuff constantly you may find many of the issues involved in the divorce fall into place. Be the calm and deliberate one — it suits you.
Work hard at staying in the moment, banishing the divorce and its details from infiltrating every bit of your life. Enjoy the aspects of your life that are not enmeshed in the divorce — lunching with co-workers, enjoying your kids without trashing your ex, spending a weekend away with a family member you haven’t seen for years or attending a class, concert or lecture. You might want to investigate yoga, massage or alternative wellness options like aromatherapy to lift your mood. Keep in mind that your life will go on after this major change and you can decide what it will look like. Make good choices.
If you are feeling depressed or angry, grief stricken or anxious do not be afraid to get competent therapy from a mental help professional. A good counselor or therapist can walk you through the process of letting go in a healthy way, taking you to a place where you can be your best for yourself and your children, if any, as the dissolution proceeds.
The post Staying Emotionally Healthy During A Tough Divorce appeared first on Love is all colors.