The post How does it feel knowing your interracial relationship is pissing off racists? appeared first on Love is all colors.
]]>I was reading an article on Cosmopolitan the other day on the best things about being in an interracial relationship and number 2 on the list was: “Your relationship pisses off racists” and the explanation behind it being on the ‘best’ list was, “if seeing a beautiful relationship can’t change their minds, [one] can at least make a hate-filled racist’s day a bit worse just by being with the person [they] love.”
So many things piss off racists… I mean if a mere advert like the Cheerios commercial got them raging just because it featured an interracial family; if a simple movie like Star Wars VII made twitter get populated with racist comments just because its featuring a black storm-trooper (someone even committed suicide over it), then we live in sad world. And this is just fiction.
In the real world, couples have been harassed, hate crimes committed against them for being in interracial relationships. And as the number 6 on the ‘best’ the list goes: “It’s nice to have an ally against racism outside your race…”, I think in some neighborhoods, knowing that your relationship is pissing off racists can be the scariest thing of all.
Yes its great to know that there’s someone there with you with whom you share these racist experiences; yes its great to know that you have someone in this fight against prejudice.
But besides that, how do you really feel knowing your interracial relationship makes racists stomachs churn? Happy that you made another racist’s life unbearable? Sad? Annoyed that in this century people still have such prejudiced mindsets? Scared? Does it make you feel your relationship is not worth the bad experiences you go through?
Do tell…
The post How does it feel knowing your interracial relationship is pissing off racists? appeared first on Love is all colors.