Love is all colors

Single at Christmas – 5 ways to have fun on your own

surviving christmas

Being single at Christmas isn’t a death sentence. You might get anxious because you dread the snappy comments or questions about you being single that might be hurled your way by your family members. I know it sucks. But not these holidays. These holidays, suck it up and face the world like a pro because let’s face it, Christmas is not only for couples or people who have their significant others. Christmas is about everyone. It’s about spreading love and sharing. Just because you don’t have a partner, does not mean that you cannot enjoy Christmas. This time you need to totally own being single at Christmas.

Scroll on as we bring you the perfect fun tips on surviving Christmas that will add some zing into this year’s season.

Perfect fun tips on surviving Christmas for Singles

1. Embrace and accept being single

Winter blues are very common during the holidays, especially for the single folks. The first thing you need to do is to accept and own your singlehood. It is okay to be single during the holidays. It is okay to forgive yourself for not cuddling and snuggling this season. Remember, you are better off single at Christmas than to be in bad relationships.

The next thing you need to keep in mind is preparation. Brace yourself for questions regarding your dating life. You will be asked numerous times why you are still single. The perfect answer is the one I mentioned above. “I’d rather be single than be in a bad relationship”. You might want to dodge these questions or answer them a with a little sarcasm, humor, and sass. And if these questions are too much for you, politely tell those asking to mind their own business. Do not be anxious because these things are normal.

Do not dread Christmas. Instead, you need to totally own being single at Christmas. Stop focusing on the fact that you are single and have some fun. You know you can turn this around by using a dating app. Have some fun with it. Here are some pick up lines to use on guys this Christmas!

Never settle for less, whether it’s Christmas or just another random stride of loneliness. Love and prioritize yourself and learn to embrace and accept yourself because sometimes, being single is better than roaming around with “snakes”. This time, make being single at Christmas the best experience of your life.

2. Get together with your loved ones

The busy schedules and the work environment can make it very difficult for one to find time to spend with the people who care about you. This Christmas, turn this around. Instead of mopping alone at home, go celebrate with your loved ones.

One good thing about being single at Christmas is that you have a lot of time on your hands. Use this time to make the people you love a priority. Give them time and the special treatment that they deserve. Go out and buy gifts for them. Tell them how much they mean to you. Carry a special bottle of wine when visiting as a gesture of how much they mean to you.

The whole idea is to stop feeling lonely. The love you share and the love you will receive will help your ease the loneliness blues. Being single at Christmas will not be so bad after you have shared the love.

Christmas is also a great time to catch up with those friends you have lost touch with. Call them and talk to them. Ask if you can join them for Christmas. Express your feelings and share love with your family and friends before it is too late. Once you reconnect with them you will realize that being single at Christmas is not so bad.

If you have no family or friends around, volunteer. There are so many people who need that love and cheer too. You don’t need to break the bank to spread the love. Pick things that you have no use for and donate to the needy. Seeing their faces light up will make your day too.

3. Travel

What better way to enjoy Christmas than packing your bags and planning a perfect getaway! If you are single at Christmas, explore the adventurous side of you. The great advantage of not having a significant other by your side is the independence that comes with it.  You can just up and leave without having to ask for permission from anyone.

Traveling is a great way to shift your focus from being single to enjoying the fine things in life. Whether you want to travel alone or a with a bunch of friends all we want you to do is to leave town for a while.

Most resorts and hotels have a lot of vacation deals which you can easily take advantage of this Christmas. This is the time to splurge some dollars on the most important person in your life – YOU. Make your Christmas exhilarating by giving yourself the special treatment you deserve. Go hiking or grab a few drinks at Las Vegas. Explore your hometown or relax at a beach. Just go.

Surviving Christmas alone may sound difficult and lonely. However, if you pick the right places and have the right mindset, you will hack it. Make your Christmas unique this year. Instead of lying on your couch and binge-watching TV shows, make new memories. Even science supports the advantages of solo-traveling and exploration.

This year, make being single at Christmas count. Taking this break from the hectic work-routine and life will make you feel great. You might even end up being grateful for being single at Christmas. Plus, you never know what might be awaiting you wherever you choose to travel. You just might just meet someone.

4. Do things on your bucket list

There is nothing more fulfilling than finally doing things on your bucket list. It is like a joy of relief knowing that you are capable enough to do things that you once wished you could. Seeing as you are single at Christmas this is the perfect time to start crossing things off your bucket list?

If there is one way on how to totally own being single at Christmas then this is it! If you don’t have a list, create one. Think about it long and hard and make it fun. Your bucket list could be anything. It can range from going on a date with a random stranger to going skydiving. All you need to do is to make it about yourself. Do not limit yourself. No matter how embarrassing the things on your list might seem, just put them down.

See, being single at Christmas can be fun too. All you need to get all these things done is to get out of your comfort zone. Let the adrenaline rush be the only thing driving you. The sky should be the limit. Let the dopamine hit you in the right spots and make your being single at Christmas more fulfilling than ever! Start writing down your  New Year resolutions and welcome 2019 with a bang.

5. Enjoy Christmas

The last and the most important thing about being single at Christmas is to enjoy. No matter how lonely you may feel, just don’t give up on yourself. You need to remember that sometimes life is more than snuggling on Christmas Eve. I know, any social being would kill to experience that but it is not enough. You need to understand that the only way to surviving Christmas is by just being yourself and doing what makes you happy.

One thing for sure is, no matter how much your winter blues prey on your moods, Christmas always lights up the faces of even the saddest beings. Christmas is all about celebration and love. Do not let this cherished event pass you by over something as trivial as being single. Sometimes, there are blessings that come with being single at Christmas.

There are so many things that you can do with zero restrictions and 100 percent love. So this Christmas, change the course of your life and start anew. Doing something new might seem difficult but it’s worth the shot. Do not be scared. Start with believing in yourself and loving yourself.

Get in the Christmas-y mood

Light up your house. Send out gifts. Decorate your surroundings and spread the cheer. Christmas is not only for partners. Christmas is for everyone. Do not let your loneliness make you not enjoy this special holiday.  This time of the year, make every second of your holiday count. The two main R’s you should be focusing on being single at Christmas this year should be Relaxation and Reflection.

The relaxation bit will help you breathe-in all the happiness and love and breathe out all the stress you might be carrying. Take a walk and enjoy seeing other families enjoy Christmas. Sit at a cafe and watch the snow dropping as you think about your life. Reflect on things you might want to change about your life. Just the fact that you are thinking about how you want your life to change means that you believe in yourself before.

This Christmas, reflect on all the qualities that you have and make a decision to change your life for the better. New beginnings are always fun. New beginnings are always exciting. Being single at Christmas should not mean that you are supposed to stop dating or that you should stop searching for that special someone. Instead, make that a part of your Christmas.

Become a member of an online dating site. Get a quick date on an online dating app. You never know what it might bring. You are not the only single person this Christmas. Studies show that during these holidays, the number of people registering on online dating sites rise. So, take advantage of this. Love could just be a click away.

These are few ways on how to totally own being single at Christmas. Spread the love and splurge a little on yourself and or your family. After all, it’s Christmas. This Christmas, start your own personal tradition that you will carry out for years to come. Trust me, Christmas isn’t so bad when you are single. You just need to know the right things to do!

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