Love is all colors

“Reading all of the mean comments really hurts my feelings” – Britney Spears tells followers she feels “bullied” on Instagram

britney spears instagram bullies

Photo credit: Tinseltown /

Celebs – they’re just like us. If we prick them, do they not bleed?

Britney Spears took to social media to reveal that she has felt bullied by online trolls who have been attacking some of her latest Instagram posts. In particular, some recent swimwear pictures…

“I’ve read a lot of things online of people criticising my posts… saying I post the same 15 pictures with the same red background and wearing the same white bathing suit,” the 38-year-old singer told her 23.6 million followers.

“For me I get really excited about my posts …. and I like to share them with you all !!!! I’ve never owned a white bathing suit before and I simply liked the red background !!!!

“Reading all of the mean comments really hurts my feelings …. and I wanted to share because you really shouldn’t be saying all of these mean things to someone you don’t even know .… this goes for bullying anyone really !!!!!!

“Hard times like we are currently living through should really teach us to be nice to one another …. !!!!!!

She also addressed the controversy she received for her latest post with horses – which has since been deleted – and apologized for offending anyone…  

“PS I saw some people were offended by me posting about horses yesterday …. I am truly sorry if I offended anyone,” she continued.

“I think it’s important to see things that bring happiness during hard times and making light of a situation can sometimes help people !!!!

“I love you all …. stay safe …. and be nice !!!!!”

This isn’t the first time Britney Spears has spoken out about online trolling either. Just a few months ago, she urged people to stop posting “mean comments” about her…

“I love sharing with you all … but it’s been hard to keep wanting to share because people say the meanest things,” she said back in December.

“If you don’t like a post … just keep it to yourself and unfollow that person !!!

“There’s no reason to ever go out of your way to make mean comments and bully people. Stay happy and nice this holiday season y’all and God Bless !!!!!”

Let’s all take Britney’s advice – past and present – and be nice to one another. Especially at a time like this!