Love is all colors

Jamie Foxx defends 21-year-old singer Sela Vave after she is branded a “home wrecker” following Katie Holmes split

jamie foxx katie holmes split

Photo credit: Tinseltown /

It doesn’t look like an amicable break-up is on the cards, as things are starting to get ugly in the Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx split.

Just yesterday, we told you that Jamie Foxx was seen getting close with singer Sela Vave months before the split was announced. And as a result, the 21-year-old singer has been flooded with abuse, as Katie Holmes fans have branded her a “home wrecker”.

As expected, Jamie Foxx quickly came to Sela Vave’s defence, telling Instagram that he has simply been mentoring the aspiring singer, in the same way he mentored Nick Cannon and Ed Sheeran many years ago.

Sela Vave shared Jamie Foxx’s defensive message on her own Instagram

“For the people who care… here is the TRUE story(swipe)… for everyone else you can keep talking and calling me a whore, slut, home wrecker, thot, gold digger, that I should die, and what ever else you want,” she captioned the video.

“Because it doesn’t matter to me, I’m out here to work and do what I love most. #music #killthedoublestandard”

Jamie Foxx explained in his video that nobody accused him of cheating on Katie Holmes with Ed Sheeran or Nick Cannon when he was mentoring them in the past, so he deemed it as a “double standard” that his professional relationship with Sela Vave has raised so many eyebrows. ..

“It’s a double standard when it comes to women—when it was the guys, everything is cool but when it was the women they try to make it something else but we are going to try to protect our own,” the 51-year-old said.

“And like I said, I spoke to that girl’s mom and she put her trust in me.

“So all of the unnecessary hate for the woman just because the guys are coming here, all of sudden they’re digging hard, they’re working hard—but then the girl does it and all of sudden she has an ulterior motive? Stop that shit.

“It’s a culture about meeting people and feeling something and doing our thing. Sometimes people don’t understand it. And don’t try to let the media strip us of what we do as artists. We are really artistic human beings here.”

The video has been met with equal parts praise and criticism, with comments such as, “Girl let them hate they gonna love you later” and “Ok gold digging hoe”.

Do you think Jamie Foxx and Sela Vave have an innocent, strictly professional relationship? Or do you think Jamie Foxx is doing everything in his power to hide the truth?