Love is all colors

Impress Her with These Unforgettable Date Ideas


Now that you have met this special lady you need to keep things fun and fresh to take the relationship to another level. Get out of the dinner and a movie rut and, please, do not think that simply “hanging out” will make her want to continue the relationship journey with you. If you are scratching you head on how to make the next time you get together unforgettable, try one of these unforgettable date ideas.

Tickets to Her Favorite Entertainment

Nothing lets her know you value her having the best possible time like taking her to something loves. Maybe its opera. Or maybe a pro hockey game. The key is finding out what she really enjoys doing and viewing and going for it. If you do not know her well it may take some sleuthing with a trusted mutual friend or co-worker to find the sweet spot but once you know what she likes go for it. This works equally as well in an established relationship, particularly if you always call the shots on entertainment. Oh, and need it be said? You go along and learn why she loves it.

Mystery Trip

Even if just for the afternoon find an interesting or beautiful spot and go — without telling her where the destination is. Bring along a cute sleep mask for her to don as you drive away and play some soothing tunes as she rests beside you. Once you’re off familiar ground encourage her to slip off the mask a view the scenery flashing by. When you reach your destination be sure you’ve either packed a delicious lunch or you have reservations at a bistro or restaurant in the area. Work with the changing season and plan a fall color trip or pack the parkas and go cut down your own Christmas tree. Bring the sunscreen for the beach or hiking boots for a state park.

Spa Pampering For Two

spaYou both work hard and deserve a little TLC so book an appointment at a his and her’s spa. Manicure, pedicure and a massage? Or perhaps you’d like to try out a float spa where you relax in waters enriched with healing salts. Be a good sport and participate fully and then take her to dinner afterwards. Relaxed and refreshed you two will be on the way to a more connected relationship.

Embrace Your Inner Child

What was your favorite activity as a kid? You know, the one you begged mom and dad to repeat. If you loved it then she may love it now. Stroll through a science or children’s museum and be sure to take in a film at their theater — she will grab your hand as the helicopter or drone drops and the beauty of the world rushes by. The zoo can be fun as can an old fashion amusement park, the adrenaline rush of the rides an immediate way to truly share a feeling.

An Oldie, But Goodie

breakfast-in-bedCook her dinner — and be ready for breakfast the next day. Take the time to discover what food she loves and then prepare her a simple entree or a sumptuous feast, if your culinary skills are up to it. Let her sip a drink while you work but cook for her without help or apology. As an alternative sign both of you up for a cooking class for a fun and restive date. If you are not yet a chef maybe you can be her sous as she explores her sautéing and baking skills.