Love is all colors

Hottest New Things to Try in the Bedroom

sexy roleplay ideas

Are you in a sex rut and are looking for new things to try in the bedroom? Whether we like it or not, sex is an important part of any healthy romantic relationship. Unfortunately, over time, people get so comfortable with one another that it becomes quite a task to maintain the chemistry and keep things fresh and interesting. Well, when you find yourself in a sex rut, then it becomes the duty of both partners to find ways to spice things up between the sheets.

Are you looking for creative ways to initiate love making and keep things fresh. Keep scrolling…

Creative ways to spice up your marriage

We all have great imaginations and wild fantasies even when the sex has become boring. Much as one may not know how to raise the issue, we still find ourselves thinking about sexy roleplay ideas we could introduce when bedroom action becomes more like a routine chore and less exciting. Well let’s get your sex life back on track by starting the conversation…

Sex talk

Even at the best of times, most people usually find it a bit uncomfortable talking about their sexual needs and desires. It can be an embarrassing conversation especially if its something you are not used to it.

But can I throw in some logic? You are already rubbing and grinding private parts together. So why not just get over your hangups because you have already crossed that privacy line. Try opening up a little.

If starting the conversation is a bit hard, try turning it into a game. Ask each other to exchange your small fantasies. “Tell me yours I tell you mine kind if thing”. This is usually a fun and easier way to figure out how to spice up your marriage.

Now, if cuddling is what really turns you on, then make sure you voice that and let it be known how much it turns you on. Much as your partner might be kinky, ultimately, all they want is to know that they can make you horny and want you relaxed and sexually satisfied.

Give your kinky spouse a chance to. You never know, once you hear their fantasies, you may just bring out the freak inside you that you never even knew you had out.

Be open to trying new things

There are so many new things to try in the bedroom. But for all this to help improve your sex life, trust and willingness to learn new things and each others sexual needs and desires needs to be there.

The thing is after the talk, maybe there are some of your partner’s fantasies that you might have some reservations about. The question is: How will you know you don’t like it if you don’t at least give it a try?

For instance if one of his fantasies is bondage, then give it a shot so that you can figure out what works for you. How about suggesting that you tie him up and see how it works for you? The thing is people have said a lot of good things about this kind of sexual power exchange.

Well if the tying him doesn’t work, try some sexy roleplay ideas as opposed to using real bondage tools. Trust me, nothing beats the power of imagination. Ask him to hold on to the headboard and not let go. Plus, this kind of mind restrictions can really be fun. Plus you could make it more fun by promising an orgasm and ask them to hold on to the headboard as they come.

Also try new sex positions to surprise your man.

Bedroom games

If you’re looking for ways to keep things interesting in the bedroom, games are a great way to do that. There are a number of hot, sexy bedroom games designed for both his and her pleasure in mind. Plus you don’t even have to try and enact some that have been lifted from the internet. You can even come up with some that suit you and blow each other’s minds.

Sex games for your relationship are a great way to introduce role play in to you your sex life as well as an incredibly erotic way to heat things up again.Well, here is one of the best games I like that has been played over time…

Endurance game

Dare each other on how many back-to-back orgasms you can give one another until they can’t take it no more and is begging you to stop so that he or she can catch their breath. Once one of you has surrendered, then keep that score then then try and beat that number the next time.

One thing I love about this game is that it makes the ‘participants’ come up with creative ways to initiate love making as well as experiment with new ways that push one to the limit. Plus when it comes to introducing sex games for your relationship, everyone is a winner. Both of you get to play and explore each others bodies together. That pushing each other is fantastic. And that playful and enjoyable way of pushing one another is ultimately what sex should be all about.


So you and your partner have decided to add some kink and live of the wild side by introducing some Bondage, Domination, SadoMasochism – BDSM tie – into your sex lives. Scary as it might sound, this is an exhilarating world of role play that couples who find themselves looking for new things to try in the bedroom should explore.

Trust me, the mixture of both pain and pleasure at once is amazing as both of you experience the mental and sexual satisfaction of both control and surrender.

A word of caution is that much as it might take your sex life to the next level , it can also get very intense and dangerous. So if you are new to BDSM tie, you need to familiarize yourself with consent, safety and protocol in order to make this play safer and more enjoyable for both the dom and the sub.

In case you missed it read this article and familiarize yourself with the bondage dos and donts.

Anal play

Anal play is very common even in all types of sexual relationships and its something to consider when looking for new things to try in the bedroom. You will be surprised that men enjoy anal play more because have been blessed with a kind of g-spot of their very own – the prostate. As much as women have no prostate, they still get pleasure out of anal play especially when combined with vaginal penetration.

There is a lot you can do with rimming:  licking, sucking, kissing and even penetration.  Most people prefer the first three to anal penetration. But when done right, those on the receiving end rarely complain. For it to be enjoyable, keep it clean and where penetration in involved, use lube, lube and more lube.

Sex toys

There are sex toys for both men and women. So why not go toy shopping together. Buy each other toys and then go home and play with them together. Toys are great fun and, when used correctly, can help make the sex more orgasmic. Some are also designed for anal play . Whatever you choose to use, trust me, someone’s privates will love you for it.

Whether its introducing new sex positions to surprise your man or taking your sexual adventures out of the bedroom, the only limit to spice up your marriage is your imagination!

If you missed other articles about spicing up your sex life, visit Love is All Colors.