Love is all colors

Here’s what we can expect if Tiffany Haddish is next year’s Oscars host…

Tiffany Hadish Oscar's host

Photo credit: JStone /

While the 2019 Oscars infamously had no official host, rumor has it that next year’s Academy Awards will go back to its traditional one-host format.

So who is going to host the 2020 Oscars?

Well, nothing is official yet, but Tiffany Haddish’s hat has been thrown in the ring. And we’re very excited about it! Even more so now that we hear what her plans are…

“I would have it hot. It would be so much fun,” she told Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon last night (December 1).

“We would have twerk contests and everything. Yeah, I would get Meryl Streep up there to twerk with Susan Sarandon. You know, it would be crazy.”

Wow – who do we call to make this happen?

“If you did it with me, I would do it,” Tiffany added, referencing how she wants Jimmy Fallon to join her as co-host to alleviate some of the pressure.

“Like, I don’t want all that pressure on me. Cause imma lose my hair and then imma have to really wear wigs all the time. It’s too much stress, you know?”

Jimmy Fallon and Tiffany Haddish together? Is there a petition we can sign to make them the official 2020 Oscars hosts?

Check out her interview on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon .