Love is all colors

Great alternatives to going to the gym

alternatives to the gym

Do you want great alternatives to going to the gym? Well, not everyone fancies being a gym fanatic. There are quite a number of people who find that lap to the gym just annoying. That is the reason why lots of people have gym memberships that they don’t use. That said though fashionable as having a gym membership is doesn’t mean that it is the only way to keep fit. There are lots of ways to exercise without ever seeing the inside of a gym.

So read on as we look at some gym alternatives that you can easily turn to…

Alternatives to the gym

The thing that working out is all about is just breaking a little sweat. Well, you don’t need a gym to get hot and sticky. In fact, if anything one thing one needs is the outdoors and great fresh air to be able to cool you down. And if we are to speak of the outdoors there are plenty of places you can work out that body of yours. For instance, you can do it at your back or front yard, at a footpath somewhere near your home, a local park… Those are all alternatives to my gym. If anything, I prefer working out outdoors much more than I do at the gym or indoors. So if you are like me, you have plenty of options to choose from.

With COVID-19 and all, not everyone gets to go to the gym. A lot of people have had to opt for isolation home workouts. So if you are stuck at home because of social distancing there is a lot you can do to also give you that gym destruction. You can still find ways to break a little sweat. Much as people are not moving around freely doesn’t mean that you can’t still be creative.

Well, here some of the best working out activities that you can choose from for that great body.

1. Running

The good thing about running is that you can do it anywhere. You can also choose how to do it. You can do it fast or slow. You are in full control of your movement. Plus, with COVID running is a great way to run the hell away from people. This is one of the alternatives to going to the gym.

Running has very good health benefits besides toning your muscles and burning fat. Running increases lung function. Plus, it can also help boost your immune system and also control one level of cholesterol. The other benefits besides helping one burn off the calories is that it can also be a great stress reliever.

This is one of the great don’t like the gym want to get fit alternatives that are out there. Running can be done anywhere. All you need s just your running gear and off you go.

2. Cycling

Just like running, cycling is also one of the other alternatives to my gym. You can do it at your own speed and can be done at any time and anywhere. So if you don’t want to cycle outdoors you can still do your cycling indoors by getting one of those home bikes. It can be done as part of your home exercises. Otherwise, if you are an outdoor lover, all you need is that outdoor bike to cycle one.

The good this about cycling is that you can do the exercising while you run your errands. So you can kill two birds with one stone.

There are lots of health benefits to cycling. Just like running, cycling can lead to better lung function, reduce risks of heart disease, it can improve your mental wellbeing, and burn that fat and those calories that you want gone to go. Do you know how many calories you can burn just by cycling for one hour? Between 400 and 1,000 calories an hour. This is all dependent on your pedaling speed as well as your weight.

3. Walking

Walking is also another way that one can burn some fat. What you need to know is that the walking needs to be brisk enough to get your heart rate up. This is one of the don’t like the gym want to get fit exercises to consider. Plus walking is very simple and very free. Daily brisk walks can really help you burn fat as well as make your heart become much healthier. Plus it can add to the weekly recommended exercise of 150 minutes.

Now if you have a dog, walking your dog will also count as some great alternatives to the gym. So if you hate going for your walks alone, you can take your pack with you. Plus you can also join some walking groups within your area.

4. Hiking

Hiking is another one of the gym alternatives. Plus, there is no better way to enjoy and get closer to nature than taking a hike. You get to also appreciate the landscape and the world around you. Some of the benefits of hiking are helping one lose weight, increases muscle strength, it takes care of the cardio levels, and can also improve one’s sleep quality.

One good thing is that you can go hiking as a group or even do it as a way to get closer to your special someone. You can take that hike, camp together, and climb down the following day. If you are in a hiking group, it can be a great way to network and connect with a hiking group. Plus, f you are single, you could meet someone that way.

5. Gardening

I can’t believe that I am adding this one to the list of alternatives to going to the gym. But apparently, gardening can be an exercise too. You don’t need mountains to climb or run laps. You can just burn calories by engaging in your normal day-to-day activities. Can you believe that you can actually burn about 300 calories an hour just through gardening?

Simple gardening activities such as lawing the mow by pushing the lawnmower backward and forwards can sure burn some calories and also help you build some muscles. Raking, weeding, and digging count as exercises too. So get out there and give your lawn some food manicuring.

6. Taking deep breaths

One of the isolation home workouts that can strengthen your lungs is taking deep, big, full breaths. Deep breathing is important before you begin any home exercises. The good thing about this particular exercise is that it can be done anytime, anywhere even if you have little time for exercising. Take a deep breath into your belly. Then do the same with the chest. Next, exhale from the chest and then the belly. If you are new to working out, start with 10 reps, and then work your way up to 30.

7. Yoga

If you don’t really want to break some sweat, then you can opt for yoga and still burn those calories. Depending on the type of yoga exercise, one can burn up to 460 calories through yoga. The good thing about yoga is that it is suitable for people of all ages. Plus can you imagine the kind of core strength and flexibility in bed can give you. Yoga also improves one’s balance.

8. Indoor circuits

Circuits don’t necessarily have to be done in the gym. Home circuit training is one of the great alternatives to going to the gym. All you need is just some space and you can do a variety of exercises at home like push-ups, starjumps, planks, lunges, lifting some small dumbbells. You can burn lots and lots of calories just by moving around the house and doing some of these exercises.

The thing is, whether done indoors or outdoors, there are lots more alternatives besides going to the gym. So all you need to worry about if you are an outdoorsy person is the weather. That said, I am sure the indoor alternatives that we have provided for you here will do you just fine. So you have no excuse not exercising. So get off your couch and get moving that body.

For more articles on exercising visit Love is All Colors.