Love is all colors

George Clooney hospitalized after motorcycle crash

george clooney

Photo credit: Matteo Chinellato /

George Clooney has reportedly been hospitalized after crashing his motorcycle on the Italian island of Sardinia.

According to reports, George Clooney was riding his scooter in Costa Corallina, Puntaldia at around 8:15 a.m. local time when he collided with a Mercedes car. He was on his way to a film set as he is currently directing Catch 22.

The 57-year-old Oscar-winner was taken to a hospital in the city of Olbia due to trauma in his pelvis, arms, and legs.

He was reportedly given an MRI scan but was soon discharged as his injuries weren’t deemed to be too serious. Phew!

An NBC news reporter confirmed the collision via Twitter…


“#carabinieri in Olbia tell @NBCNews “At 08 am @georgeclooney was riding his scooter on the State Road 125 towards Olbia. A car did not respect the right of way and hit him. He fell. The car driver called an ambulance. MRI was negative, and he is not seriously injured.

“According to local paper @lanuovasardegna, @georgeClooney suffered a knee injury. He will need 20 days of (physio)therapy.”

Let’s hope he makes a speedy recovery!