Love is all colors

Five Gifts For Your Lady That Really Say “I Love You”


When it comes to giving gifts to the woman in their life, many guys are frankly completely lost at sea. Suddenly, they can’t think of a single thing she would like. They are left buying flowers, chocolates or, heaven forbid, saucy underwear.

So here are some ideas for gifts which really tell her how much you love her, ranging in price from free to expensive.

1. “I Promise To…”

Give her a note promising her that you will do something that she would really like. It could be doing the dishes for a month, rubbing her feet for an hour, taking full responsibility for the kids for a whole week, even giving up smoking or losing weight. Write your promise out nicely, and above all, keep that promise!

2. A day at the spa.

Everyone lives a life full of stress these days. And a voucher for a day at the spa, when she can just be pampered and made a fuss of, instead of being the one doing the caring, shows that you really appreciate her. If you’re feeling extravagant, make it a voucher for two so she can take her sister or her best friend or her mom. If you can’t spring for a whole day, make it a voucher for a massage or a facial. You can also find a spa which offers the service, you could make it a couple’s day, and go with her. Remember, many upscale hotels have spas, so you could make it an overnight treat and include dinner.

3. A dream come true.

Does your lady have a streak of adventure, or a longing to do something just a bit different? Maybe she’d love to try driving a race car, to go zip lining. Or she wants to take a mule trip down the Grand Canyon. Perhaps she yearns to take a Cordon Bleu cooking course or learn a foreign language. Knowing your partner’s dreams, and making them come true, shows not only that you love her, but that you have been paying real attention to her, to her dreams and the things that make her the person that she is.

4. Jewelry.

Sounds like a no brainer, but it’s easy to do this the wrong way. If your partner has a strong social conscience, she may not welcome a diamond – unless you make sure that it comes from a source where workers are treated fairly. But perhaps she isn’t a diamond girl. Something more unusual and original such as an antique bracelet set with semi-precious stones like topaz, or a beautiful piece of modern costume jewelry might be more to her taste. Just ask yourself what she usually wears, and buy something like that, but better! A simple gold or silver bracelet with a sentimental message engraved inside goes a very long way.

5. You. Yes, you.

Are you busy, always on the run, hardly ever have time for each other anymore? If that’s the case, then a romantic weekend – or week – away with no distractions is the perfect gift. Can’t afford to go away? Then have a staycation. Make sure the refrigerator is filled with nice things, download some great movies, send the kids to Grandma, insist on no housework, switch off the phone and the computers and just enjoy each other the way you did when you first met! The gift of you is probably the best one of all.