Love is all colors

How to have a fit pregnancy

how to stay fit during pregnancy

If you want to have a fit pregnancy, exercises are important during pregnancy. Just because you are pregnant doesn’t mean that you are too fragile to stay fit. The more you exercise during pregnancy, the faster you will shed off that baby weight and the faster your recovery will be after giving birth. Plus, most women who exercise during pregnancy increase their chances of having a natural childbirth and also find it easier when giving birth.

Love is all colors brings you our selection of fit pregnancy workout plans to help you get started. Scroll on…

How to stay fit during pregnancy

Staying fit during pregnancy is something that some women might find it challenging especially those who have health complications. But if your health isn’t in jeopardy then a little exercise is important. If you used to workout before getting pregnant, you have no reason to stop.

Before you choose your workout routine, you need to consider your level of fitness and the trimester.  Yes, there are some workouts that are too vigorous and might put you at the risk of getting a miscarriage. So if you feel that something isn’t comfortable, feel free to try out something else. Don’t worry. We are here to guide you on what pregnancy workouts are safe for you.

Benefits of exercise during pregnancy

We understand that your body is going through a lot of physical changes. And gathering the energy to hit the gym can present a challenge. However, if you do, your body will thank you for the effort. There are a lot of benefits to regular exercise during pregnancy. Here is a list of the payoff you will get from it.

  • Better sleep
  • Less constipation
  • Minimizes aches
  • Exercises will reduce the risk of getting gestational diabetes
  • Improves mood
  • Might make your labor shorter and less complicated
  • You will get your body back faster after birth
  • Fit pregnancy and baby

If you are wondering about how to stay fit during pregnancy, here are some of the workouts modified for pregnant women. You can also find fit pregnancy diet on the internet to combine with your workouts.


It is important to get your heart rate up during pregnancy. And what better way to do this than engaging in little cardio workouts? For those who never used to stay fit before pregnancy, now is the time to start. Staying fit during pregnancy can be something as simple as walking for thirty minutes at least thrice a week.

Walking on the treadmill is perfect because it can be controlled. You could also run. However, as you grow bigger, pay attention to what your body is telling you. Know when its time to switch to walking.

The stationary bike is also something to consider. Most pregnant women recommend the recumbent bike because it offers great back support. This is perfect during the first two trimesters. As the belly grows bigger in the third trimester it might present a challenge.


Yoga strengthens the core of a pregnant woman. Because of the gentle movements, the breathing, and meditation, most pregnant women find this exercise very calming. Go easy on the twists and the movements that put pressure on your belly during the second trimester.

Strength workouts

As a pregnant woman, it is allowed to do low to moderate intensity strength workouts. Push-ups, squats, even free body weights are safe. You can also do abs exercise while standing.

Kegel exercise counts

You need to strengthen your pelvic flow muscles. Kegel Exercisers are a way to do it! These offer a lot of support to the uterus, bowels and most importantly the bladder. Toning them reduces leakage of urine and hemorrhoids which most women are prone to in the third trimester. Plus, you will have better bladder control and vaginal control during sex after giving birth.

Workouts to avoid during pregnancy

  • Avoid workouts that can cause trauma to your pregnant belly such as horse riding or scuba diving.
  • During the third trimester, avoid exercise that requires you to lie flat on your back for long periods of time as the baby can push down the veins needed to supply blood to the baby hence reducing blood flow.

Remember pregnancy isn’t the time to push yourself to the limits. So if you feel like you are tiring faster, take a breather. Find an instructor who can alter your fit pregnancy week by week workouts as you grow bigger. You can also read some fit mom to be workout reviews and what other pregnant moms have recommended. Something as simple as taking walks in the evening works. So unless it is the doctor’s recommendations for you not to exercise, then consider the above pregnancy workouts that we have recommended.

Read this article about one woman’s experience with the stages of a pregnant belly.