Love is all colors

“Don’t f*** with my freedom” – Miley Cyrus issues powerful response to Barcelona groping incident

Miley Cyrus Forced Kiss

Photo credit: Kathy Hutchins /

Miley Cyrus has issued a very powerful response to an incident which involved a fan grabbing and forcibly kissing her in Barcelona.

The incident was recorded and posted on Twitter. In the clip, you can see Miley Cyrus and husband Liam Hemsworth leaving their hotel in Barcelona, and making their way through a crowd of fans, before a male fan reaches his arms out, pulls her hair and forcefully kisses her.

Let the 26-year-old singer’s fierce but very necessary social media response to the incident serve as a polite yet very strong reminder that women should not touched in this way without consent, regardless of their image or profession…

“She can be wearing what she wants. She can be a virgin. She can be sleeping with 5 different people.

“She can be with her husband. She can be with her girlfriend. She can be naked.

“She CAN’T be grabbed without her consent,” she wrote on Twitter.

Miley ended her post with the perfect hashtag, which is a lyric from Mother’s Daughter, the first single from her brand new record, She Is Coming


Miley also shared a screenshot of some of the vile comments she received from people who blamed her for the incident…

“You wanted to be ‘sexy’, what do you expect?” one disturbed user wrote, while another said, “well what do they expect when they dress like whores and I like some of her songs”.

“Don’t fuck with my freedom,” Miley once again stated in response to the comments, before adding “#stillnotaskingforit.”

According to E! News, a source confirmed that Miley Cyrus was “certainly unsettled” by the incident, but is “doing fine now.”