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Are You Ready for a Threesome


If you watch porn, read erotic stories or, simply, watch TV, you’ll know that threesomes are a common fantasy. The possibilities may seem very exciting and can even be the first step to exploring same-sex experiences.

For men, the idea of being pleasured by two women is a common fantasy. For a lot of guys, the idea of watching two women have sex while being able to participate is also a huge turn on. Surprisingly, though, many men also get hot at the thought of watching another man with their wife or girlfriend. This is also a type of threesome that is common in porn. Its where two men have sex with one woman at the same time, either through vaginal, oral or anal penetration.

lesbiansWomen, on the other hand, may think about having sex with two men at the same time. But in their fantasy, it’s more about receiving pleasure rather than providing it. Women are often more sexually fluid than men are.  Therefore, some of their fantasies, even if they are straight, may well involve same-sex erotic activity. They may consider having a threesome with two other women to investigate their sexual curiosity. They may also get off on the idea of teasing their husband or boyfriend while he watches them with another woman.

If you are considering having a threesome involving a partner, boyfriend, girlfriend, wife or husband, it’s important to really think hard about the difference between reality and fantasy. Things that look great on film, when acted out by porn stars, or sound sexy in stories may not translate into real life quite as expected. If it truly is a form of sexual expression you want to try then you should start with open communication with your partner to find out how they feel about it.

If you partner agrees to have a threesome, there are some important issues you’ll need to consider. First and foremost, is who will you get involved and how will you approach them. Inviting an attractive friend to join in may seem like a good idea at first. But what if things don’t go as planned? It could get awkward at social occasions or even ruin a great friendship.

One issue that many couples do not address properly before entering into a threesome is jealousy. In a guy’s mind, watching his wife or girlfriend having sex with another woman may be a dream he thinks he can’t wait to experience. Things can go quickly downhill if it starts to look like she’s having more fun with them, though. The risk of hurt feelings can go both ways. If a woman thinks her boyfriend or husband is getting more turned on by another woman, she may well feel insecure and unhappy about the experience.

Sharing sexual adventures together can certainly spice things up, but safety should be the first priority. Other issues to consider are things like ‘safe words’. Both of you might want to agree on a secret code word that either of you can use at any time to let each other know that you are uncomfortable with something that is happening and want it to stop. Everyone involved should undergo tests for sexually transmitted diseases. All of you should be aware of how to participate in safe sex and be willing to do so. Even if you both come out of the experience with a smile on your face, that’s going to disappear rather quickly if you’ve discovered you’ve caught a sexually transmitted disease.

Threesomes can be fun, exciting and a great turn on. However, it’s important to go into them with your eyes wide open. Talk about your expectations and your limits with your partner. Make sure you both know what is and is not OK with you. This will ensure that you both enjoy the experience. If you don’t communicate and plan carefully, a threesome may become a nightmare instead of a dream come true. You need to be ready for the experience.