Love is all colors

4 Signs That You Are NOT Ready For A Relationship


Just because you’re single currently does not necessarily mean its time for you to seek a permanent attachment immediately. As a matter of fact you may want to take a break from Cupid’s arrows for a time period. And only you will know when it is truly appropriate to again go hunting. How can you gauge whether it is time for a breather in the relationship games? Take a look at the following list to see if you fit into one of the categories.

You Just Aren’t Over The One Who Got Away


Are you are still plagued with doubts and recriminations about a relationship that has ended? This might be a clear clue that the next guy or gal needs to wait a while. At least until the previous spark is extinguished. A new relationship needs to grow on its own. Hard to do if the romantic garden is still full of last season’s dead blooms. If you are not sure if you are over and old love ask a trusted friend, he or she may know better than do you.

You Are Angry With Anyone Male (Or Female)

It is hard to start a new relationship when you are seriously ticked off at half the human race. If you are just “done” with dating because anyone who has the right equipment is irritating to you, give yourself a break while saving the necks of quite of few suitors in the process. Whether it is because of a bad go with a former lover or because you are just tired of the drama there is in the dating game follow your heart into hibernation. At least for a time.

You Have Never Been Alone

Some real soul searching and acquisition of maturity can arguably only happen when you are left to your own devices. At least for a time. If you have been tumbling from relationship to relationship in an unbroken line ever since you began dating you and your future love will benefit from a star turn as a solitary woman or man. Take the time to really get to know yourself and take care of the business of making yourself whole, happy and willing to open your life fully to embrace another relationship in a healthy and constructive way.

You Are Less Than Impressed With The Current Recruits


If you do not find someone who really makes your heart sing, don’t settle for an out of tune relationship. That will just make both of you miserable. Resist the imploring of friends who insist that you must give this or that person a chance to be your next love. You owe it to yourself and to the potential object of your affection to come together freely. Simply because there is a real spark, not just a sad facsimile of a relationship. Or a twisted idea that friends with benefits can really be happy with that kind of hollowness.

Don’t look back for a second if you decide it is time to break up with even the idea of future relationships. After your hiatus, you will reemerge into the dating scene refreshed and centered. Ready for the next round, and perhaps this time your will find “The One.”